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To accelerate the energy transition,

partnerships that propel ideas are key.

accelerates the transfer of knowledge & research findings

on hydrogen technologies to the world of industry.

The Hydrogen Platform,


Industrial companies

H2 applications for aerospace, rail, river, road, etc.


  • Electrochemical system (Fuel Cells, Electrolyzer, etc.)
  • Cryogenics (Storage, Distribution, etc.)
  • Combustion (Stationary and Mobility)
  • Green Hydrogen (Biomass, Bacteria, etc.)



  • Study and manufacturing of test tools (hardware and software) 
  • Carrying out customer test campaigns on H2PULSE site
  • High-tech engineering, preliminary studies
  • Theoretical and practical operational training


To progress faster and better,

we rally behind a common objective, harnessing each of our skills and experience.

H2PULSE helps to give the industry the expertise and resources to help make hydrogen
one of the major energy sources of the future.

To meet the hydrogen challenges faced by industry

A company
  • Founders and history,
  • Partners and one project,
  • A vision for the future and the resources to achieve it,
  • A responsive operating structure.
A strategy
  • Meeting manufacturers,
  • We adapt to their specific needs,
  • To support them from research and development right through to the deployment of their solutions,
  • Providing operational training for their staff.
  • To help accelerate the energy transition,
  • To unlock the potential of hydrogen,
  • To develop clean energy sectors,
  • To recruit lively, creative and confident talents.

of experience and research into “hydrogen” technology

Operating licenses for patents and expertise issued by the LAPLACE laboratory, CNRS, Toulouse INP and Paul Sabatier University

Data collection

Total damage has been caused by the civilians arounf the new apple  store at Wall street.

Guaranteed ROI

Total damage has been caused by the civilians arounf the new apple  store at Wall street.

Always Online

Total damage has been caused by the civilians arounf the new apple  store at Wall street.

Progress & News

See here the latest news on hydrogen energy and H2PULSE.

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